W.E. Blog

W.E. Blog

3 Ways Our Electrical Services Improve Home Comfort

3 Ways Our Electrical Services Improve Home Comfort

When it comes to home comfort, many homeowners in Charlottesville, Virginia, focus on HVAC systems like the air conditioner and the heater. While these systems certainly play a huge role in home comfort, your home’s electrical system is also significant. All homeowners should contract a qualified electrician for issues with large equipment installations to decrease

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How to Control Indoor Air Quality in the Summer

How to Control Indoor Air Quality in the Summer

With flowers and insects come pollen and other allergens in the summertime. While pollen is a pesky issue for most in Charlottesville, Virginia, it can present serious problems for others. If you have a child with asthma, it is important to control indoor air quality in the summer. Fortunately, maintaining indoor air quality can be

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5 Plumbing Upgrades You Should Try

5 Plumbing Upgrades You Should Try

If you haven’t upgraded your plumbing system or fixtures in some time, you could literally be flushing money down the toilet. However, there are many things you can do to try to get a hold on your water expenditures. Not only can you save money on your bills, but you can also add value to

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HVAC Energy Efficiency Explained

HVAC Energy Efficiency Explained

Your HVAC SEER rating and the efficiency of your Charlottesville, Virginia, home both affect your energy savings during the summer months. It’s not just your HVAC unit that determines your energy usage every month. Your thermostat, ductwork, windows, and filters all affect the energy efficiency as well. SEER Ratings and HVAC Energy Efficiency The SEER

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Legionnaires’ Disease and HVAC Systems

Legionnaires’ Disease and HVAC Systems

Without proper maintenance of your HVAC system, many problems can arise. While most of these issues result in HVAC inefficiency or a higher utility bill, there are others that can be a great deal more serious. One of these is Legionnaires’ disease. This disease, which is an atypical pneumonia, is a potentially lethal ailment caused

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Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Never Neglect

Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Never Neglect

As we go about our daily routines, busy schedules mean we often do not have the time, nor do we remember to address certain household tasks. It is not until a serious problem develops, and one that we cannot ignore, that we take action. It is best to routinely tackle maintenance tasks so that you

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Understanding the Basics of Your Duct System

Understanding the Basics of Your Duct System

Your ducts are out of sight and out of mind most of the time, but they are key to the proper functioning of your HVAC system. Having a basic understanding of your Gladstone, Virgina, home’s ductwork can help you understand how to conserve energy, save on utility bills, and increase the efficiency of your equipment.

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Can an Air Purifier Help a Child With Allergies?

Can an Air Purifier Help a Child With Allergies?

If you have a child with allergies or asthma, you know their sensitivities to different elements in their environment. When the biggest triggers are in your Buckingham, Virginia, home, relief may seem like an impossible goal. An air purifier can help ease your child’s allergy symptoms when other steps such as vacuuming, and removing carpeting

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When to Worry: HVAC System Odors and What They Mean

When to Worry: HVAC System Odors and What They Mean

After living in your Charlottesville, Virginia, home for a while, you begin to recognize and become accustomed to common odors throughout your home. The problem arises when an unfamiliar smell comes through your vents or drains, and impacts the air throughout your home. These odors are not always signs of something serious, but you would

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How Creepy Critters Affect Your Air Quality

How Creepy Critters Affect Your Air Quality

Although the usual suspects such as dirt and debris do affect the air quality in your Charlottesville, Virginia, home, you may not realize that bugs and rodents can, too. If pests infest your attic, get trapped in your air filters, or crawl into your ducts, your family’s health is at risk. Air Filters If your

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