How to Program Your Thermostat for Optimal Comfort AND Efficiency

Each year, more homeowners make the switch to programmable thermostats. Why? Because these devices can make it easier to stay comfortable and use your HVAC system as efficiently as possible. Here’s how we advise our customers to strike a balance of comfort and energy efficiency: 

Make a Small Temperature Change 

The Google Nest team recommends slightly adjusting your typical temperature setting to save on your energy bill. A small change (around 1 degree Fahrenheit) in temperature is not very noticeable to most people, but it can save you money over time. 

Set your Temperature Slightly Higher or Lower While You’re Away

When you’re away from home, you can increase or decrease your temperature setting to save energy. Your thermostat may have a feature that allows you to automatically adjust the temperatures based on the time of day. Important note for pet owners: Test out the higher or lower temperature settings to ensure that your pet will be safe and comfortable while you’re away. 

Use your Energy Usage Insights

Many programmable thermostats come with energy usage insights that you can use to identify patterns in your heating and cooling usage. This information can help you create a schedule that reduces energy consumption.

Automate Each Zone Thermostat in your Home

If you have a zoning system, your home’s HVAC system will be divided into areas with similar conditioning requirements. Pairing this system with a programmable thermostat allows you to automate each zone’s thermostat and reduce energy spending.

Ready to sit back comfortably and see the savings roll in? Give us a call at 434-298-2151 or schedule us to help install your programmable thermostat.


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