Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Never Neglect

As we go about our daily routines, busy schedules mean we often do not have the time, nor do we remember to address certain household tasks. It is not until a serious problem develops, and one that we cannot ignore, that we take action. It is best to routinely tackle maintenance tasks so that you can identify small problems before they turn into major and expensive repair jobs in your Charlottesville, Virginia home.

Fix Leaky Faucets

Fixing household leaks saves more than just water. Water leaks damage flooring and walls, and lead to mold growth. Mold can also cause structural damage, and is a serious cause for concern when mold spores spread, affect indoor air quality, and cause allergic reactions. The average household can waste more than 10,000 gallons of water each year because of leaks. It is such a serious issue that a week in March is actually designated as “Fix a Leak Week.” Reduce waste and unnecessary expenditure on water bills by having your leaks fixed right away.

Check Air Conditioner Drainage

Blockage in your condensate drain line can cause water to settle which can also lead to mold development. Mold spores can spread through the HVAC system, through your ducts, and into your indoor air. A blocked condensate drain line can also cause water to overflow and damage the foundation and walls. A clogged line will also reduce system efficiency.

Routine maintenance is a very effective way to ensure that all parts of your system perform effectively. Regular maintenance by your trusted HVAC company involves a thorough evaluation of the indoor and outdoor parts of your system in order to identify and fix any problems. Proper maintenance will increase the efficiency of your unit, and also, help to prevent breakdowns and costly repair.

Manage Indoor Air Quality

Whether it’s mold or other airborne contaminants such as pollen, pet dander, bacteria or viruses, poor indoor air can be harmful to your health. Air filters are effective in trapping and destroying these pollutants, but it is very important to wash or clean your filters as needed for them to adequately keep the air clean. If you notice that you or other persons in the household seem to have more allergic reactions at home, it is best to call in the experts who can perform a thorough evaluation of your indoor air quality. Air purification systems also go a long way toward improving air quality.

Repair Electrical Problems

Frayed wires, faulty outlets, circuit breaker malfunctions, and other electrical problems should never be overlooked. To prevent a fire, electric shock, or damage to your appliances contact an electrician for professional and safe solutions. Never attempt to use or repair any damaged electrical system. Your technician will ensure that your current system is adequate for handling the appliances and equipment in your home, and determine if rewiring or upgrades are needed.

Leaky Doors and Windows

Cracks or gaps in doors and windows can result in unwanted air entering your home, and cause much-needed conditioned air to escape. This will make it more difficult to cool or heat your home efficiently, and your air conditioner will run unnecessarily to try to restore ideal temperatures. This will result in energy waste and increased energy bills. Sealing these leaks with caulk or weatherstripping will effectively close gaps if properly applied.

Don’t Ignore Structural Damage

Structural damage is often noticeable in older homes, and it is easy to just consider these as changes that happen over time. However, whether your house is old or new, some structural damage should not be overlooked. Beyond obvious cracks and shifts in the foundation, clues to foundation problems can be found in leaning walls, cracks in walls or floors, doors that swing in the opposite direction if not closed or propped open.

There are several possible causes for structural damage. It is important to seek professional assistance before the damage worsens and repair becomes more expensive, or someone is injured. Cracks in the foundations can lead to further damage especially in areas that experience heavy rains, flooding, or a lot of snow. Water can seep in through the cracks and ruin basements, floors, and supporting structures, and lead to further mold infestation.

There are many tasks you can perform to make sure your house is efficient and looks its best. Other tasks might require special tools and expertise to be effectively managed. Contact W.E. Brown, Inc. for effective maintenance and service solutions that keep your home functioning efficiently. Call us today at (434) 295-1177 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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