W.E. Brown Plumbing Heating Air Electrical

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How HVAC Maintenance Helps You Save Time and Money

Saving money and time is a major concern for homeowners in Barboursville, Virginia. Undoubtedly, one of the most expensive needs in a home is for HVAC system maintenance and repair. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, many homeowners often neglect HVAC maintenance. However, it is never too late to take advantage of an HVAC maintenance agreement. Regular HVAC maintenance can help you to save time and money through priority service, seasonal checkups, and discounts.

Priority Service

If you have an HVAC maintenance agreement, you can enjoy priority service for air conditioning repair needs. Many reputable HVAC companies strive to reward customers that opt for an HVAC maintenance agreement. Priority service is just one of the many perks these HVAC companies offer their loyal customers.

As you might know from experience, HVAC systems break down or stop working at the most inopportune moments. For example, air conditioners often break down in the middle of summer when you need cooling the most. At times like this, you’ll need to get the system repaired as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, finding an HVAC contractor can be difficult during the rush periods. However, if you have an HVAC maintenance agreement, you will likely receive priority treatment which puts you ahead of other customers. This is true even if you schedule an appointment at the same time or even after other customers who don’t have HVAC maintenance agreements.

Seasonal Checkups

You should also take advantage of HVAC maintenance agreements for the seasonal checkups. As you probably know, an HVAC system should be serviced at least twice a year: once at the end of the spring and once at the end of fall. However, homeowners have many priorities and responsibilities, making them prone to forget to schedule seasonal HVAC system checkups.

By the time homeowners remember to schedule seasonal checkups, chances are the rush season has already begun. During the rush season, it can be close to impossible to schedule a simple inspection for your HVAC system. This is especially true considering that you’ll be fighting for priority against other customers with real HVAC emergencies on their hands.

That’s why it’s important to have that HVAC maintenance agreement. You will receive reminders about upcoming visits when you have a maintenance plan. Inspections are ideally scheduled before the start of the cooling and heating seasons. That way, you can be sure that your system is thoroughly serviced and ready to take on the season ahead.

Discounts on Service and Parts

We understand that you have many expenses, and do everything possible to save money. HVAC maintenance certainly improves the efficiency of your HVAC system so that energy waste is minimized. Another significant advantage of these agreements, however, is that they allow you to save on HVAC services and parts throughout the year.

Many HVAC companies have partnerships with parts suppliers or manufacturers of HVAC equipment, allowing them to buy HVAC parts at heavily discounted prices. To retain loyal customers, HVAC companies will pass these discounts on to their customers with HVAC maintenance agreements.

To make sure you’re saving money, you should know what you’re paying for when it comes to your HVAC maintenance agreement. Ask the service contractor how many maintenance hours you’ll receive. Be sure the service contractor fills out a checklist with each inspection. Also, be certain you’re getting a complete evaluation. An honest contractor will do more than just a cursory check of your system. A maintenance call involves a thorough inspection, cleaning, and servicing of your entire system.

All homeowners should consider HVAC maintenance agreements a must for saving money and time on air conditioning repairs. For more information about the importance of annual HVAC maintenance, don’t hesitate to call (434) 295-1177 to speak with one of our skilled HVAC technicians here at W.E. Brown.

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